Window Blinds are the best home decorating accessories that are put to great use nowadays. The variety, appearance, and practicality benefits are plentiful, therefore people prefer to buy and utilize them always. For combating modern housing needs like UV protection, light filtration, sun blockage, temperature balance, or privacy, window blinds are everyone’s pivotal choice. So, while buying window blinds in Calgary, always take into account the longevity, texture, and appearance of the same. Last but not least, always ask the vendor about how you can keep them clean always and maintain them for a longer time. 

window blinds in Calgary

Here in this blog, we have come up with this wonderful information on how well you can keep your window blinds clean and tip-top so that every time your guests visit your place, they might feel wow looking at your home ambiance. 

Hence, without wasting much time, let’s see how can you keep your window blinds clean and stain-free. 

1. Refer to the Manufacturer’s Guidelines 

There are always manufacturer’s guidelines given when you purchase blinds from them. Just always refer to those precautions and guidelines to know about the cleaning instructions. It must be noted here that blinds come in different textures and styles and all have their specific cleansing algorithms. Therefore, it is vital to read all those first imperative things first and then undertake the tidying process. 

2. Do Dusting Before Cleaning 

Take a microfiber cloth to clean the blinds or if you don’t have it, you can take any socks or towel to do the process. Clean your blinds in their open position because in this way you will get access to all the crevices and areas where the dust accumulated from a great time. When the rightful dusting process is followed, post to it one can go for water or soap cleaning. 

3. Utilize Dish Soap and Water to Cleanse 

The next step for achieving a dirt-free blind is cleaning them using dish soap and water. You can dampen a cloth with this mixture and then work your way down each slat of blinds. When you are finished with this step, then let your blinds air dry afterward. 

4. Vacuuming 

Vacuuming can be quite effective when it comes to cleaning your window blinds. Just use the brush attachment with it when you are about to use it on your window blinds and make sure the pressure is not much. This step can essentially deep clean your blinds and can suck up the dirt effectively when you will roll it over the blinds across the slats. 

5. Steam Cleaning 

The best method to thoroughly clean the blinds is to use the steam cleaning process. For fabric blinds, this step is fabulous. Just use a handheld garment steamer or a steam cleaner with the fabric attachment to conduct cleansing. Hold the steamer close to the blinds and then move it up and down for effective removal of dirt from the blind’s fabric. 

6. Hire the Window Blind Cleaning Experts

If you think you can’t handle the blinds cleansing task, you can then hire window blinds cleaning experts. To upkeep the beauty and aura of your home, the blinds must be kept in good condition. And when you don’t know how to maintain their sanity, then just do hire the cleaning experts. 

Concluding Words 

So, these were some of the cleaning and maintenance tips on how to keep your window blinds brand-new always. For better protection and care, never miss out on the regular maintenance and care part. And if you are looking for buying the most aesthetic and reviving window blinds in Calgary, do visit Lakeview Blinds.

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